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Czwartek 2 Maj 2024 | Imieniny: Anatol, Zygmunt, Anastazy
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Teddy Goes Travelling

O projekcie

Children will have the opportunities to take photographs with the travelling teddy and share information about the local history, what the local area is like and Christmas traditions.



- Greater understanding of own local history and geography
- Communication with other children
- Developing an understanding of other countries' Christmas traditions
- Developing an understanding of the local history and landscape of other towns and cities around Europe
- Share expertise between teachers
- Working collaboratively with members of own class, school and with children from other schools
- A shared motivation to complete a project


Teddy begins his travels in England. Children record information about the local history and geography of South Shields. The children will also write, take photographs and draw pictures of Christmas traditions in England in a book which will be sent alongside the teddy.

Teddy will then travel to Poland where the children will record information about the local history and geography, as well as pictures, information and photographs of Christmas traditions in Poland.

Teddy will then continue his journey to Spain and Turkey, where the children will complete the same activities. All of the schools will also have access to twinspace and will be able to see updates on the Harton Primary School website.

Teddy will return to England, visiting a school in Hartlepool and then finally returning to South Shields. 

Teddy will be given a list of addresses, on which the partner school must tick off their address. They will then also know where to send Teddy to next and on which date.


- Children have a greater understanding of their own local history, geography and Christmas traditions as well as those of children from other towns and cities around Europe. 
- Enjoyment from participating in a wider community project
- Shared via twinspace, twitter and school websites to promote the citizenship work we are doing across schools
- Other staff feel motivated to set up or participate in etwinning projects
- Developing other projects with partner schools such as pen pal projects

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